1994-95 Nationwide Survey of RCP Listed Mitigation Contractors

December 12th, 2017

AmericanAssociation of Radon Scientists and Technologists (AARST) conducted a nationwide survey of RCP mitigation contractors. A total of 800 surveys were sent to RCP-listed contractors and members ofAARST who had indicated that they were involved in mitigation. Additional follow-up phone calls were made to all those who had not responded or had indicated a willingness to complete the Survey. Eighty-six mitigation contractors responded from 31 different states. The mitigation companies indicated they had completed 8400 mitigation jobs in 1993 and 9300 mitigation jobs in 1994. The Survey was broken into two parts. PartA was a questionnaire asking approximately 60 questions about the mitigation company's actual business. Part B was a questionnaire about individual mitigation jobs. Each mitigation company was asked if they would complete five to ten Part Bs of completed mitigation jobs. The mitigation contractors completed approximately 340 Part Bs of individual mitigation jobs. Each of these mitigated homes was sent an alpha track detector. Approximately 12 of the 340 detectors sent to these homeowners were returned because of the occupant moving. All Survey information was input into a D-Base type program for final analysis and comparison of the Survey responses and alpha track measurements. A total of 238 of the Survey houses, equal to seventy percent, returned their detectors. Ninety-five percent of the Survey houses that returned their detectors had radon results that were less than four picoCuries per Liter. Sixty-nine percent of the Survey houses that returned their detectors had radon results that were less than two picoCuries per Liter. The following report illustrates with graphs the results of the Survey.