Building Guidance for Healthy Homes

December 12th, 2017

The number of children diagnosed with asthma has doubled in the past 15 years. Asthma rates in the Northeast are among the highest in the country, 13.9% of children report that they have had asthma during their lifetime compared with the national average of 12.4%. Lifetime asthma rates for adults in New England also exceed the national average with 15% of adults reporting asthma during their lifetime; the national average is 13%. Asthma is an allergic reaction to certain exposures (“triggers”) such as dust, moisture/mold, pests (cockroaches, rats, mice), pets (cats and dogs), cold air, and dry heat. This guidance presents principles and specific construction practices designed to minimize residential exposures to asthma triggers. Many of these practices also improve energy efficiency and are consistent with green building practices. ARC encourages state housing, finance, environmental and health agencies as well as non-governmental organizations and business involved in developing and maintaining housing to implement these building practices, whenever feasible.