Childhood Lead Poisoning and Vinyl Miniblind Exposure

December 12th, 2017

Objective: To determine the contribution of vinyl miniblinds to childhood lead poisoning. Design: A descriptive investigation was undertaken to estimate attributable risk among all reported childhood lead poisoning cases in North Carolina for which home environmental sampling was conducted between March andAugust 1996. Participants: Ninety-two children, aged 6 to 72 months, identified through a statewide screening program were included. Blood lead and environmental sampling test results were obtained from routine surveillance data collected for all lead-poisoned children. Results: Exposure to vinyl miniblinds with dust lead levels of 100 µg/ft2 or more occurred for 44 (48%) of the lead-poisoned children; 25 (27%) of the children were exposed to levels of 500 µg/ft2 or more. Vinyl miniblinds were the predominant source (ie, other major sources of lead were not identified) for 8 (9%) of the children. Overall, the median dust lead level for vinyl miniblind field samples was 590 µg/ft2, and the highest level reported was 73 302 µg/ft2. Even new vinyl miniblinds manufactured before July 1996 contained dust lead levels that on average exceeded 100 µg/ft2. The levels for recently available nonleaded vinyl miniblinds were below the limits of detection. Conclusions: Vinyl miniblinds, introduced into this country 10 years ago, with sales estimated at 30 million sets a year, include brands containing lead.Although new formulations with no lead added are available, millions of children may still be at risk because a product recall has not been issued (ie, lead-contaminated vinyl miniblinds are still in general use). In addition, the risk assessment evaluations proposed in lieu of universal blood lead screening for low-risk communities could overlook children with exposure to this source.