Choosing Flooring forAffordable Housing: Healthier and Cost Effective Options

December 12th, 2017

Flooring materials today are more varied than ever before, offering a large range of practical, aesthetic, and ecological options.All choices have advantages and considerations, and especially in affordable housing, have pricing implications. With this multitude of flooring options, affordable housing developers can choose flooring that positively affects health, cost, energy and the environment.Although a range of health concerns are considered this document focuses on reducing conditions that can trigger asthma and respiratory problems. It does not explicitly address worker exposures. To assist in making decisions about residential flooring, two tools have been developed. The first tool is a table of traditional flooring choices used in most affordable housing as well as better/best suggestions for housing developers. It provides a sample approach to reducing asthma triggers in housing. The second tool is the Healthier and Cost Effective Residential Flooring Matrix, a detailed index of flooring options outlining health implications particularly for asthma, costs, maintenance considerations, and pollution created during flooring production. Used together, both tools can assist in making residential flooring choices that minimize asthma triggers and other health hazards while remaining affordable.