Cockroach Control Guide – Get rid of roaches, breath easier – 2005 Update –

December 12th, 2017

Many houses have problems with cockroaches.And many people with asthma are allergic to “roach dust.” Roach dust is made up of roach body parts and droppings. Roach dust is a very strong asthma “trigger.” Triggers cause asthma attacks. For years, cockroaches have defeated our best efforts to get rid of them. We sprayed and sprayed, but they always came back. Now we understand there are better methods and products that really work. The new products are also safer than the roach bug sprays that have been commonly used. The new roach control method is called “integrated pest management” (IPM). Pest control companies, landlords, homeowners and tenants can use IPM. The roach dust is still around even after you get rid of the roaches.And the dust can trigger asthma.Athorough cleaning is important to get rid of all the roach dust.