CockroachAllergen Reduction Using Precision-Targeted IPM and the Lead Dust Cleaning Protocol

December 12th, 2017

Background There is strong evidence that cockroach allergen is a potent, pervasive and persistent asthma trigger for low-income, inner-city populations.A still-too-common method of cockroach control is monthly pesticide spraying. Children are at high risk for exposure to household pesticides and are particularly vulnerable to their toxic effects. Integrated pest management (IPM) is a reduced risk strategy that utilizes pest population monitoring, environmental controls, mechanical capture and placement of small amounts of low-toxicity, low-volatility pesticides on surfaces inaccessible to children. Due to the persistence of cockroach allergen in the household environment, elimination of cockroach infestation alone may not sufficiently reduce exposure to their allergens. Furthermore, neither householder nor the usual professional cleaning has been reported to consistently reduce dust concentration of cockroach allergen below clinically relevant thresholds. Interventions This project explored improved methods of cockroach control and allergen cleanup. The cockroach control intervention was