Farewell To Cockroaches — Controlling Cockroaches the Least Toxic Way

December 12th, 2017

Nobody likes a cockroach … except another cockroach, and another and another. That's the trouble: our houses and apartments have everything cockroaches need to survive and multiply quickly. Cockroaches are so good at breeding that if one pregnant female gets into your home, she could be the cause of 100,000 new cockroaches within a year under ideal conditions! Anybody, no matter how neat and clean they keep their home, can have cockroaches. The reason is simple. It' s very easy for our homes to meet the basic needs of cockroaches for food, water, warmth and dark hiding places to live and breed in. You should not feel ashamed about getting cockroaches in your home. They can arrive in a grocery bag or a case of beverages you just brought home from the store. Or they may enter your apartment from the one next door to you, since apartment buildings have lots of