Housing conditions and self-reported health status:A study in panel block buildings in three cities of Eastern Europe

December 12th, 2017

In the framework of a new program on housing and health, the World Health Organization has undertaken a field survey on panel block housing estates in Eastern Germany, Lithuania and Slovakia aiming at a preliminary assessment of housing conditions in Eastern European countries and their potential health consequences. It also aimed to highlight housing and health problems of Eastern European transition countries that may be related to the current conditions of panel block housing. Based on empirical data collected from 259 dwellings and 601 residents, it can be concluded that several housing conditions do have an impact on the health perception of their residents. Noise annoyance is recognized as one of the most prevalent problems affecting residential health and well-being. However, it proved difficult to identify an aspect having an overall dominant influence on health. The survey clearly indicated the effect of rehabilitation work on residential satisfaction, and raised expectations that housing improvements can lead to better health.