Mold and Moisture Home Interventions

December 12th, 2017

The Cuyahoga County Urban Mold & Moisture Program (UMMP) explored the relationship between mold, moisture, asthma triggers and the respiratory health of children living in inner city neighborhoods throughout Greater Cleveland. Simultaneous clinical /environmental assessments and sampling occurred over a twelve month period.A total of 104 homes received environmental interventions focused on the reduction of water infiltration, removal of water damaged building materials, HVAC alterations, lead hazard control, and environmental cleaning. Clinical samples (blood, urine and nasal washing) were collected from children and the primary caregiver living in the home. These samples were analyzed for a variety of allergens. Environmental dust samples were analyzed for dust mite, cockroach, rodent urinary protein , endotoxin and fungi. Moderately severe asthmatic children had a significant decrease in symptom score (p<0.006) and symptom days (p<0.003) following remediation while these parameters in parallel control children in homes not receiving the interventions did not significantly change. During the period from 6-months post-randomization to the end of the study, which was primarily post-remediation, asthmatics receiving home interventions had a lower rate of exacerbations compared to control asthmatics (1/29 vs. 11/33, respectively, p=.003). Other children, not specifically enrolled because of asthma, had a significant decrease in nine out of 14 upper and lower respiratory symptoms following the home interventions.