Non-Chemical Bed Bug Management

December 12th, 2017

Bed bugs have proven to be a very challenging pest. While most people would like to have a pest management professional come to their home and spray a magic potion that eliminates bed bugs forever, no such potion exists. Bed bugs are highly resistant to a number of insecticides, and their eggs are impervious to most insecticide formulations. Complicating the situation further is the human host. Many people live in highly cluttered environments providing bed bugs with many places to hide. Boxes, books, stuffed animals, and electronic equipment cannot be treated with insecticides so there are many safe locations where bed bugs find refuge. This is why we cannot rely on insecticides alone to cure bed bug problems. Pest management professionals have recently started using a variety of non-chemical tools to help manage bed bug infestations. Below is a discussion of the non-chemical methods that can be used as part of an integrated pest management program for bed bugs. This publication is not intended to endorse any of the products described below, however, these products are specifically mentioned because they are unique technologies and known to be effective.