American Healthy Homes Survey II
The American Healthy Homes Survey II (AHHS II; OMB 2539-0026) is a continuation of the HUD Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes’ (OLHCHH) efforts to estimate the national prevalence of lead-based paint, lead-based paint hazards, and allergens in housing. The AHHS II characterizes lead levels in dust, soil, paint, and drinking water in the nation’s housing by age, type, geographical location, and exposed populations. In addition, the AHHS II survey will accomplish the following:
- Estimate the number and percentage of homes with dust and soil lead levels at or above selected thresholds, especially those stated in the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) 403 Rule (40 CFR Part 745.65);
- Evaluate the sources of lead in dust in housing (e.g., paint and soil);
- Permit future analysis of lead hazard control strategies and costs (e.g., quantities of deteriorated, friction, and impact painted surfaces); and
- Permit future analysis for regulation, policy, and guidance that minimize regulatory burden.
The survey results will be used by the EPA and HUD to assess the impact of potential changes to the current lead hazard standards for dust, soil, and for the definition of lead-based paint. The results will also be used by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to assess progress in achieving specific Healthy People 2020 goals and establish new national goals.
Solutions supported implementation of the AHHS II by contributing to the design, obtaining Institutional Review Board approval, and drafting the OMB Information Collection Supporting Statements for OLHCHH’s submission. In partnership with its subcontractor, Westat, Solutions provided OLHCHH with the data to draw a nationally representative sample of housing units and the statistical weights for analysis. Data collection was completed by another contractor, and analysis of the data is not part of the current contract.