Healthy Homes Initiative Grant Evaluation

HUD’s Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes engaged Solutions to evaluate the activities of its Healthy Homes Grantees from FY 1999 through FY 2004. This evaluation provided HUD with documentation of its grantees’ programmatic activities and the impact of those activities on enrolled dwellings and residents. It also provided HUD with practical and science-based information for refining and expanding its Healthy Homes program.

Solutions (1) designed and piloted a questionnaire to be administered to current and former Healthy Homes Initiative (HHI) grantees and interagency partners to capture the outputs and evaluate the outcomes of HHI-supported projects; (2) designed a database for capturing survey data collected from HHI grantees; (3) obtained, reviewed and abstracted information from grantee deliverables (i.e., reports and manuscripts) for completed grants and progress reports from active grantees; (4) administered the questionnaire to all former and current HHI grantees to capture the major activities under each of the grants; and (5) summarized and reported on the questionnaire results and information abstracted from HHI grantee deliverables, and reviewed progress against the goals in the HHI Preliminary Plan. Solutions’ final report was submitted to HUD in March 2007.

Healthy Housing Solutions. (2007, March 5). An evaluation of HUD’s healthy homes initiative: Current findings and outcomes: Final report. Columbia, MD: Author.