Strategic Planning and Stakeholder Coordination

Solutions offers strategic planning and stakeholder coordination services to public agencies and private sector organizations. Examples of our work include the following:

  • Solutions evaluated local lead poisoning prevention and lead hazard control programs in Burlington, VT and Cincinnati, OH, and prepared strategic plans in 2012 to help these cities expand and transition from lead only to more holistic healthy homes initiatives.
  • Since 2004, Solutions has provided strategic planning services and technical assistance to health departments, coordinated local stakeholder meetings and drafted lead poisoning prevention strategic elimination plans in the following municipalities:
    • New Hampshire
    • Michigan
    • Delaware
    • Oklahoma
    • Georgia
    • Detroit, Michigan
  • In June 2005, the Michigan Department of Community Health engaged Solutions to provide lead poisoning primary prevention strategic planning technical assistance to the cities of Flint, Hamtramck, and Highland Park, Michigan. Solutions’ work included an analytical review of the childhood lead poisoning problem, collecting key data, interviewing local stakeholders, preparing a needs assessment, and developing a baseline organizational structure and plan in each city capable of supporting a viable, sustainable primary prevention and lead hazard control program. Solutions also helped initiate and then assisted in moderating a local Lead-Safe Advisory Council Summit and Forum meeting.

For more information on how Solutions can work with your agency or organization to initiate an assessment of your program and assist with strategic planning and local stakeholder coordination,  contact us.